Friday, December 28, 2012

Our First Christmas Card

MERRY CHRISTMAS - from our little family to yours. 3 days late - that's what happens when you go home to Texas and spend 8 days with incredible nieces and nephews and then come home stuffy-nosed and sore-throated. You need a few days to recover.
This is the first Minefee Christmas card!!! Well, if I'm totally honest, we sent ONE card last year because some of our best friends in Peru were feeling lonely. :) But it was a weird thing to make a decision on which Christmas card to send. I remember 2 years ago being at Lesley's house and talking to her about how Christmas cards can send you off your rocker and I got a little stressed trying to make the "right decision." One great wedding picture with an elegant background? Pictures of our lives and not just our wedding? A collage? How do you choose just one? What do you write? I was honestly overwhelmed.
So I quit trying.
I came back to it a few days later and in 30 minutes I had completed our card. I chose to be very decisive and not look back. I don't regret it. I may have seen a few other people's cards and said, "Dang it. I wish I'd have done __________." But no regrets. I'm happy with it. And there's always next year... and the year after that... and the year after that... So here's to Christmas cards - one of my favorite parts of this season. I'm thankful for the time friends and family take to share life and photos with each other. It matters.

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