Saturday, March 19, 2011

.haiti, here i come.

Psalm 82:3&4 "Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked."

As I re-read this verse today, I was reminded of how important it is that we continue to go - to go to places like Haiti and defend these devastated people. They are poor, oppressed, weak and needy and it truly is our calling to be their defense and to encourage our partners who are doing ministry in the depths of human need. I sit here tonight, beginning to pack my bags, ridiculously humbled at the opportunity I have to go and serve in a place like Haiti. I think about our Operation HOPE team - one of the physicians is my dear friend, a ministry partner from IMPACT here in CA has joined us late in the game, my parents are going, my sister-in-law, my aunt, the mothers of both of my sisters-in-law - and I am utterly blown away by the gift it is to be going on this trip.

I've felt called to this place and wanted to go there for years... since before the quake when one of my friends was in a heart-wrenching adoption process to get their son. Their story is incredible. Through her, I've been linked with the Livesay's who live a life and run a ministry in Port-Au-Prince that will blow you away. All this to say, in some weird way, it's one of my dreams to go to Haiti - to meet the amazing people who live there, to learn about their culture and to serve them in whatever way God has planned for me. I am humbled. Truly. And cannot wait to tell the stories of my Haitian brothers and sisters and to watch our great God do what he does best - change lives and bring hope.

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