Sunday, October 25, 2009

.james 1:27.

the beginning of james 1:27 says this: "religion that our God accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." and i am thrilled to say that my cousin and her husband are on their way to the ukraine as i write this to embark on a 5-6 week journey to pick up their kiddos :) it makes my heart smile.

they have a cool back story and process on how God's led them to this place and walked them through this season. if you're into following blogs as people walk through adoption journeys, check theirs out -, if you're not, just pray for them if you think of it. their names are janelle and casey and i know they are crazy grateful for anyone wiling to join the prayer train at this stage in the game - there's much to figure out and so many details that have to go "just right."

while i'm anxious for the weeks ahead, i'm even more excited to see the little ones God's had picked out for 2 years while they waited to get all the paper work perfect. He's up to somethin' good over there.

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