Monday, November 2, 2009

.#1 - vino.

2 days down - one mission completed (well at least begun because this one's a work in progress). so this may be news to some of you young ones after you turn 25, no one throws you birthday parties anymore. so that leaves it up to who to throw birthday parties? you of course. so this year, my homegirls and i went wine tasting on halloween because 1) we're amazing like that and 2) why the heck not and 3) i can get a check mark (i have this obsession with completing check lists!).

so here are a few pics of our adventure...

me and my homegirls - this is our album cover, no big deal...

and here is the final product and mission #1 - VINO

the collection has begun and i will not, i repeat will NOT open this wine until after my 30th birthday. i am up to 8 bottles, thanks to the parents of my friend who gave me a "wine of the month club" membership for graduation! whew, this one might be easier than i thought. thanks to all you peeps who wanna play, i guarantee that it'll be a great year and we'll have some stories to tell :)

(secret - i also have another one done but no photo to prove it, so you'll have to wait a few for that post, stay tuned)

fighting on to victory... one mission at a time.

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